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Re: Re: Re: Re: File Upload Fatal Error in 9.4

posts: 30

File Gallery storage is set to the default "Store in Database".

My php.ini settings are at default, and are the same as those specified in the Tiki doc except for the three I have marked. Details below.

memory_limit = 512M *
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
allow_url_fopen = On
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = /tmp
max_execution_time = 30 * *
max_input_time = 60
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
default_charset = "utf-8"
;mbstring.func_overload = 0 * * *

* memory_limit is higher than the recommended 128M

* * max_execution_time is 30 rather than the recommended 60

* * * mbstring.func_overload is commented out. You can see the ";" character I copy/pasted from the php.ini file.

Would any of these discrepancies account for the consistent 2.50MB file size limit?

So far as I know, all related settings are at default. I don't have the Tiki experience to boldly tweak settings, though I have the inexperience to accidentally break things.

posts: 30

Rick's workaround is a success. While I continue to be concerned that there's a config error lurking somewhere in my Tiki installation, limiting upload filesize for the database to 2.50MB, I am pleased to have an alternate solution.

As I have found many mentions of this problem on the Internet, but no solutions other than Rick's, I'll share my experience and maybe it will help others.

First, get a little background info from the Tiki Documentation on File Storage. Supplement this with info from Tiki for Smarties on Configuring File Galleries.

Following that guidance...

1) I created a directory in my Tiki main directory called "uploads". Permissions defaulted to 755 and I left them that way.

2) In that directory I created a new text file named ".htaccess", and in that text file I placed a single line of text: "Options All -Indexes" (without the quotes). This prevents web browsers from peering into this directory, and make the Tiki File Gallery the way to access these files.

3) I logged into my Tiki site as admin, and went to Admin Home > File Galleries. There, under the "General Settings" tab, I set Storage to "Store in Directory". That revealed a new field called "Path to store files in the file gallery:", where I entered "uploads/" (sans quotes). Clicked on the Change Preferences button at the bottom to save the changes.

4) After I had saved those changes (not before), I was able to click on that page's button labeled "Move files from database to directory". This successfully moved the few small image files I had already uploaded to the database, and the article/wiki pages that used those photos continued to work.

So far this solution appears fine. I will post again if it creates unforeseen troubles.

Real credit goes to Rick, who made this solution possible for me. As a new Tiki user looking forward to expansion of my Tiki site, I'm a little concerned that Rick appears to be singlehandedly providing forum support and quality documentation (i.e.,Tiki for Smarties) for this software. That makes all Tiki users vulnerable to Rick's continued participation.