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Diff in paragraphs between wysiwyg / wiki editors

posts: 98 Greece

When I use the wysiwyg editor and create a new paragraph, after I save the article the space between the two paragraphs is huge (I'd say, roughly equal to 3 lines). When I go back to wiki editor and save the article, the space between the two paragraphs is back to the normal (one line).

I would prefer to use the wysiwyg editor, so how I change this strange behavior?

posts: 72 United States

I have this same issue. I believe is has to do with the way CKEditor handles line breaks. Just Google "CKEditor Line Break" and you'll see countless posts about issues with this. I have yet to find a fix.

One issue I see is the difference between hitting Enter, and Shift+Enter. Enter creates a p-tag and Shift-Enter creates a br/-tag. This may not be an issue for you if you're aware of it.

The second issue I see is that every time you edit in WYSIWYG, CKEditor adds extra br/-tags all over the place. This happens even when you edit and save without actually changing anything. Crazy?!?! Why would the editor add something that you did not input? But it does. This makes WYSIWYG unusable for me. I would really like to see it happen, but my documents turn to rubbish if I allow WYSIWYG edits.

I believe that tiki will start using CKEditor4 soon (not sure which version), and that may address the issue.