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Best way to localize user pages?

posts: 5

I need to offer userpage content in more than one language. Our base install language is English, so the user page link syntax is "User:JohnSmith".

As you all know, when creating a localized copy you provide a new name for the page. Since most terms are translatable this is rarely a problem.

However, what is to be done about user pages? Is there a good convention for this situation?

All advice welcome!

posts: 3665 United States

I don't fully understand the question....

You can change the User prefix for user pages from the Admin: Community page.

However, I don't think it is possible to dynamically change the prefix, based on the user's language.

You might consider using a non-text prefix instead.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 5
To put it more simply: if you translated a user page, let's say "User:JohnSmith123", what would you name the new page? Usernames are basically never translated... but if you don't change the name you can't do it? Unless I'm misunderstanding the procedure...
posts: 3665 United States

If you want to show translated content without creating a new page, you can use LANG or TR plugins. See the docs for details.

These will allow you to have multilingual text on the same page (this way you don't need to create multiple User Pages for each user in different languages).


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com
Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.
posts: 5
Thank you!