random pages module, how to omit specific wiki pages Posted by nikosal 15 Aug 2013 13:18 GMT-0000 posts: 98 Exactly what the title says. I would like only regular wiki articles to be displayed by the module, and not articles like "welcome", "how to register", "wiki help" etc. Is there a way to do that?
Posted by Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 15 Aug 2013 17:31 GMT-0000 posts: 3665 I don't believe this is possible with the Random Pages module. However, if you use Tiki categories to identify your different types of pages, you could easily create a random list of pages (including/excluding specific categories) by using the Category plugin. Please see the docs for details. HTH, - Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage Why be a dummy? Get smarty! TikiForSmarties.com Tiki for Smarties, your source for the best (and only) Tiki books, guides, and tutorials.