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Features / Usability

Revision Approval Denial

posts: 10 United States


I created a management page within tikiwiki that displays pages with pending approval information.

It is a fairly basic page that in essence shows what page was modified, when it was modified, who modified it, and to approve the modification.

However in some cases I want to deny the approval and to have it not show back up on the pending approval list.

Is there an easy way to add a snippet of code to facilitate the rollback to the last known approved version and ignore the changes that were made?


posts: 12 USA

I was going to compare to the code I have on my page to see if I had anything different, but now my page that used to show pending approvals is now blank...ugh (no change to the code).

Can I see what code you are using on the management page?

posts: 10 United States
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{LIST()} {filter field=title content=latest} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column sort="title" label="Title" field="title_link" mode=raw} {column sort="contributors" field="contributors" label="modified by" mode=raw} {ALTERNATE()}No pages pending with revisions that are pending approval were found.{ALTERNATE} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="title_link")}{display name=title format=objectlink}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="contributors")}{display name=contributors format=objectlink}{FORMAT} {LIST}

posts: 72 United States

I have a similar page and use this code:

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{LIST()} {filter field=wiki_approval_state content=pending} {LIST}

beelerk wrote:

I want to deny the approval and to have it not show back up on the pending approval list.

Is there an easy way to add a snippet of code to facilitate the rollback to the last known approved version and ignore the changes that were made?

I don't know of any way to automate this, but it would be nice to have. Currently, you have to Approve, or go into the History page and do a Rollback. It would be great to have a way to create a Rollback or Deny button.

Sorry I can't be of more help.