Articles with more than 6 images.
We have a number of articles with more than 6 images.
We have generally standardised on 1024 px wide and have kept the file sizes below 100kb.
After about 6 images some don't load. It is not always the last image(s) that don't appear but they are generally the same ones each time. Often F5 or failing that Ctrl F5 solves the problem. That's fine for admins but not all that good for ordinary users. We have done a lot of google searches etc on this but have not found a solution.
We can split the article with a link at the bottom to the next part, but again that is a not very flash work around.
The article we are working on at the moment has 10 images
and the file size appears to be 18,240 bytes.
The full article is likely to have 20 images or a few more.
We are using tikiwiki V11.0
We are using .jpg files re sized and web optimized with irfanview
Any help would be appreciated.