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Enabling Forum Notifications on Tiki.org

posts: 30
Hi, all. How do I configure my tiki.org username to receive notifications when people reply to posts?
posts: 1643 Canada

You should see "Send me an email when someone replies" when posting or replying.

Best regards,

M 😉

posts: 30

I see it now as I'm typing this reply. I thought it would be a property of the user account, but you're saying it's a property of each individual post? Or is it tied to the thread? I mean, it appears that replies are linked to individual posts, not to the overall thread. That's how we get these unproductive Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: chains. So if I have to check "send me an email" for an individual post, someone could reply to the thread, yet not my individual post, and I wouldn't be notified.

Anyway, thanks for the help! I'll make sure the boxes are always checked.

posts: 30

I guess it would help if I could subscribe to a thread — even one where I'd never posted. Is that possible?


posts: 3665 United States
I guess it would help if I could subscribe to a thread — even one where I'd never posted. Is that possible?

Yes. Simply click the Watch this topic icon (eyeball) that is in the first topic/post of the thread. Please see the docs, for details.

You can also manage all of the items you're watching/monitoring from your My Tiki dashboard. Again, please see the docs.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 30

Thanks, Rick! I will definitely take advantage of the eyeball!

I'm committed to Tiki, and want to help improve it if I can, but oh man it's hard to get started with it. You're always good to refer me to the docs, but that only works for you because you know them so well. For a newbie, those docs are really hard to benefit from. And an eyeball? The rest of the world uses text a la "subscribe to this topic".

For now, many thanks for this and all your other help!

posts: 3665 United States

I agree that Tiki can certainly be tough to get a grasp on... there's a lot going on. You might find my beginner's guides useful as a starting point.

Regarding subscribe vs. watch.... TIki already has a newsletter ans subscription feature, which is different. And there's quite a few sites that use the "Watch" metaphor instead of "Subscribe" — Wikipedia is the one that jumps to mind first.

Welcome to Tiki!


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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