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Linebreak in Tables?

posts: 18 Germany

When using the || syntax for tables, how can I add linebreaks in single cells?

The same problem is in Definition lists, how can I add a linebreak?

In the Wiki, I cannot use BR tags, while it works here in the forum:

some cell more text someothercell
some cell more text someothercell

definition moretext
definition moretext

Is there any syntax to write that in the Wiki? I think it would be quite usefull!

posts: 112 Austria


take a look at WikiTables. At the end of the page there is a solution (with HTML).


posts: 1001 Canada
damn paulap, how could you two be that much synchronized!?!❗

posts: 51 United States
I would think using a <br> would work if you turn on HTML on the page.
posts: 18 Germany

> bobzim:
> I would think using a <br> would work if you turn on HTML on the page.

Yes, I know, but I think it is generally a bad idea to allow html on a Wiki page!

So I think there should be a Wiki Syntax for expressing the linebreak in tables.

best regards,

posts: 18 Germany

> bobzim:
> I would think using a <br> would work if you turn on HTML on the page.

Yes, I know, but I think it is generally a bad idea to allow html on a Wiki page!

So I think there should be a Wiki Syntax for expressing the linebreak in tables.

best regards,

posts: 1001 Canada
Of crouse it's a rather basic thing to have. We could use "|||" for new lines, but I'm not sure it's really the easiest learnable syntax, considering that || is for a table, | a row and ||| would be for a more minor separation.