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Features / Usability

Image File Types Not Detected on Upload

posts: 30

I've seen a lot of talk about this but haven't been clear on the solution. When I upload JPG and PNG files to Tiki they aren't recognized and are instead assigned the file type of application/octet-stream (*.bin). Practical effect of this is that the slide show won't work with these files until I manually correct the file type for each uploaded file.

This is a relatively new installation of 9.4 with few modifications. Is there a setting I missed?

posts: 92

I had this problem with 9.2. I never found the solution that zac2944 identified, but I did notice that my files worked if the extension was in lower-case (.jpg), but failed to display if in upper case (.JPG).

The problem has resolved itself after moving to 11.2.

posts: 30
Confirmed: all you have to do is change the extensions from upper to lower case. "JPG" won't work. But "jpg" will.