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Architecture / Installation

Re: Moving files in folder - strategy?

posts: 98 Greece

Hey Rick! Great answering me (a) to (d)!

Rick said: I'm not sure what Plesk is....

Plesk is one of the two most common tools to manage your site (the other being cpanel). There, if you click on a (say) .jpg file, it opens, you actually see the picture. I was expecting that after moving. Ok, thanks for clarifying this.

Now about that:
Rick said: Yes, if you deleted the items from the DB. As I recall, simply "moving" the files does not actually delete the record from the DB.

I guess the whole point of doing this move is to make db lighter. No point to keep images both in a directory and in db as well (as long as you properly backup your files).

So, how do I delete images from db?

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