help changing page background to a picture
I'd like to change the background in Tiki 15 from a solid color (already experimented with changing the color gradient in line 1080 of the css file, worked fine), to a picture, but no luck. In Tiki 12, it was easy, just uploaded a new file with the same name 'background.jpg' (i.e. replaced file), cleared the cache (Tiki cache and browser) and the new background is immediately visible.
However in Tiki 15 it's much more complicated (the css style sheet ballooned up from 842 lines of code in Tiki 12, to 7667 lines of code (!) in Tiki 15). The simple trick of replacing the 'background.jpg' didn't work. I tried editing the code (line 1080) to:
background: url('greenvalley/images/IMG_20150518_202052.jpg') #D5EDAF;
(plus a few other variations) but this didn't work either (only the fallback color, #D5EDAF, shows).
I must be missing something, the 100x increase in code is probably throwing me off 😊