Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
huge thanks, Rick, for taking so much time on this!
I think I almost have it, just the problem is with the URL path I am entering for running tiki-install.php.
The one that starts the installer is:
but this only installs 12.9
I have also tried:
but get this message: No route found. Please see
(also tried all variations of this URL)
The URL path via cPanel shows me this:
So I tried adding the line you mentioned to the end
this just gave me a 404 error
In the /tiki-15.2 folder there is a file called 'INSTALL', I click on it, it just downloads the file, if I right click, there is no install option.
In /tiki-15.2 there is a folder called 'Installer', and in it is tiki-install.php, but, again, clicking on it just downloads the file (right click offers no install options)
Somehow I am not entering the correct URL path.