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importing time errors

posts: 228 Ukraine


I have a problem with importing 'time' field. I've done this successfully many times (UNIX time/date option), but on one site it's giving me headaches, so it must be my site parameters or site installation issues (though I install and update only through Softaculous so theoretically all 'should be' set up correctly...)

I export from a tracker and check box for the UNIX time/date stamp format (10 digit format).
But when I import it gives me:
"DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (1476103439-11-29 22:00:00) at position 7 (4): Double date specification"

Note: this is on a Date / Time tracker field, not the 'created' or 'modified' dates.

So I wiped the tracker, cleared the cache, re-indexed and than re-imported again, same thing.
I tried importing from a back-up that has a readable time/date, this at least imports a date, but the time is set to 00:00 (though other Item Links are missing, so I settled on importing a mixed .csv to at least have something working for tomorrow).

When I do a Server Check, this installation of Tiki (and all of them) has these issues:

(under 'MySQL or MariaDB Database Properties') -

1) character_set_server cp1251 ugly On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.

2) collation_server cp1251_general_ci ugly On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. utf8_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.

(under 'PHP scripting language properties') -

3) default_charset ugly default_charset should be UTF-8 as Tiki is fully UTF-8. Please check your php.ini.

Date / Time is set to Europe/Kiev in General Settings.

But, I didn't set or change anything, I just went with the default values (if any were presented) when I did the one-click Softaculous install (and later one-click updates). On this site I use just standard shared hosting (so no VPS or Dedicated Server).


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