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Architecture / Installation

precompiled templates installed ??

posts: 6 Iceland

1.8.1 comes with precompiled templates in templates_c\en and templates_c\fr using subdirectories.

Does that make sense?

If yes, then what should one do with them in a safe_mode install?

posts: 175 Canada

When you first load TW your templates_c dir likly contains no directories. (unless it has a cvs one)
When you use TW it puts files into directories that it creates. IE; en or fr into your templates_c dir. TW also creates files in other areas, such as your modules/cache dir.

Does this make sence?
Well I guess yes, as it allows TW to create files once then not again. But no in that these can be a bother but not a big one.

You can clear these out with a couple of methods.
In TW you can go to Admin menu drop down, system admin and then clear what you need.

And in a pinch you can use FTP and clear the modules/cache, or templates_c or /temp/cache/dirs and TW will recompile them. This is a good thing to learn as it allows you to fix TW with out being logged in.

A quick thought about safe mode install! IT WILL WORK! I host a lot of TW sites and know that if you follow the insturctions here at TW a well set up host will work.

Sorry gotta go, hope that makes sence,

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

you'll only get en/ and fr/ from CVS code

Login as admin and goto Admin->SystemAdmin and clear the templates_c cache
