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Features / Usability

Anonymous Contact for tikiwiki 1.8.2

posts: 63 United Kingdom

This is the basic, fast solution.
click here read the (better) method, Modified files are attached to that page.

Undoubtedly someone will point out that the solution already exists somewhere else, if so, I apologize.

I'll be checking the sf.net bug-trackers next and probably uploading there too.😉


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

LOL I fixed this in 1.8.1 however there are pre-requrests I think its all documented on ReleaseProcess181 😀

Various permissions and features that require setting.

posts: 32 United States

If it was fixed in 1.8.1, how come it is even a question in 1.8.2?
Seems to me that if it was fixed, you wouldn't have to do all the mods! 😁
Am I missing something here? ❓

(oops, never mind, should have read Damian's message closer 😡)

posts: 63 United Kingdom

No offence intended here but, the fix was a bit pants 😛.

If I am remembering correctly, the fixed requires you to allow anonymous users free run of the messaging system. Besides the logic to make it work properly, as it does now, was already present, I just implemented it.

Man I boasted about this in too many places, so many comments along the same lines. Undoubtedly you got notifications that I edited the wiki page ContactUs wherin I reply to these comments and stuff as well.

Incidentally I fixed the mail notification template for that notification e-mail tiki sends when the wiki page gets changed.. hint. hint.

It's in the SF bugtrackers somewhere.

Anyway, I'm only trying to help and make tikiwiki better for everyone.