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Features / Usability

Structure Add Page (Fixed)

posts: 37

When navigating through the wiki pages as an Admin I have, aligned to the right next to the structure breadcrumbs, a form to add pages tot the structure (see attached screenshot)
When logged in as a standard user I only see the structure breadcrumbs, but the the form to add a page isn't there.
When logged in as a 'key user' with some more rights, I only see a structure icon right next to the structure breadcrumbs.

How can I fix that everyone will see this form to add pages? I have tried to set different permissions, but can't find the right one.

I use Tiki 18.1

posts: 2432 Czech Republic
Try "Can create and edit structures (tiki_p_edit_structures)" permission.
posts: 37
Nope, unfortunately that doesn't make a difference.
posts: 2432 Czech Republic
Then probably you need to give them "tiki_p_admin_structures" which is odd... 😑 Might be a bug/glitch in the code perms check...
posts: 37
Nope, that also doesn't give users the add-pages form...
posts: 2432 Czech Republic

According to the code grepped below it should work, unless you have special permissions set directly on the structure:

Copy to clipboard
$ grep -InER --color --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=temp "struct_editable" . ./templates/tiki-wiki_structure_bar.tpl:44: {if $struct_editable eq 'a'} ./templates/tiki-wiki_structure_bar.tpl:69: {if $struct_editable eq 'y'} ./lib/wiki/renderlib.php:148: $this->smartyassign('struct_editable', 'a'); # a stands for both perms: tiki_p_edit and tiki_p_edit_structures ./lib/wiki/renderlib.php:150: $this->smartyassign('struct_editable', 'y'); # y stands for only tiki_p_edit_structures perm (but not tiki_p_edit) ./lib/wiki/renderlib.php:152: $this->smartyassign('struct_editable', 'n');

posts: 2432 Czech Republic
Also try to clear Tiki cache after changing the perms (just in case)...

posts: 8654 France

I think I reported an issue a few weeks ago about this and I had a demo ready.

I tested on a fresh 18.x I gave anonymous permissions to admin wiki and to admin structures.
I can use the Add Page button (child or not) as anonymous.

Something to do with your permissions OR a wrong logic in the permissions code ?

posts: 2432 Czech Republic
It works for me. Make sure your user has tiki_p_edit on the page too.

posts: 37

Thank you Luciash d' being and Bernard, because of your suggestions I fixed the problem!

Let me explain:
My homepage is also the first page of the main structure. Because I wanted to allow anonymous users to see the homepage without having rights on the rest of the wiki. I created a separate category for this home page, and didn't realize that these permission also affect the whole structure.
I have corrected the permissions on this category and all users have the structure bar back!

Thanks again for your great support!