Automate Wiki page, Category, Module (Menu), and Menu creation
TikiWiki version 18.1 (InnoDB)
Hi all,
This relates to a topic I posted yesterday (Can variables be used within Tiki Link paths and Category names?).
Can someone please tell me if there is a way to automate the simultaneous creation of a Wiki page, a Category, a Menu Module, and a Menu based on information entered in to a JavaScript form, for example (or any other input method... suggestions very welcome)?
I'd like to simplify the task of creating a "Client Details" page, which will consist of the landing page, plus several sub-pages accessed via a left-hand menu module; the menu would be visible to the landing page and all sub-pages too; hence the need to automatically create a Category which the landing page, sub-pages, and Menu module can be assigned to.
Any help on automating such tasks in Tiki would be gratefully received.
Many thanks,