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Architecture / Installation

Migrating from Windows to Mac OSX

posts: 11 China

Can anyone help?

We've happily accepted to host a wiki site on our Mac OSX xServe. We're currently running a number of 1.8.3 Tiki sites without problems. The difference here is that the site we've been asked to host used to run on a Windows machine.

Basically, the migration has been smooth except for two things: 1. uploading to Image Gallery and 2. uploading the File Gallery. Error messages are as follows:

1. Warning: move_uploaded_file(C:\WINNT\TEMP/DVDR-Logo.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Volumes/Data/shek-o.com/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-upload_image.php on line 171

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/var/tmp/phpV0jdu2' to 'C:\WINNT\TEMP/DVDR-Logo.gif' in /Volumes/Data/shek-o.com/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-upload_image.php on line 171

2. Warning: move_uploaded_file(C:\WINNT\TEMP/5668.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Volumes/Data/shek-o.com/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-upload_file.php on line 128

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/var/tmp/phpIjnEyr' to 'C:\WINNT\TEMP/5668.pdf' in /Volumes/Data/shek-o.com/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-upload_file.php on line 128

It seems like a reasonably easy problem to fix (i.e. renaming the C:\WINNT\TEMP directory to the correct directory on the new server) but I just haven't been able to work out how or where to do this.

Everything else about the migration was a dream!

I'd be very grateful for any help. Thanks,


posts: 96 Romania
I think it has something to do with the temporary files path in the php.ini configuration file. Just my 2 cents.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Check your temp path on admin->General maybe?
