Re: Two problems: top_bar.tpl and image thumbnails
My problem seems to be PHP GD library, similar to a number of other people installing newer versions of PHP (mine is 4.3.4). While PHPinfo says that GD support is enabled, GIF and PNG and other file types are supported, but JPEG is not listed. This results in an error when the function "imagecreatejpeg()" is called. And this seems to be crashing scripts. Example, trying to upload a jpeg image:
Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): No JPEG support in this PHP build in domain-name/html/tiki-upload_image.php on line 229
I read something on the PHP websites about putting the jpeg-6b files into their own directory and doing something about it when configuring and compiling PHP so that GD correctly finds the jpeg information. But I couldn't find clear instructions. Does anyone know what exactly to do to fix this problem?