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Architecture / Installation

fluidplugin error when creating test profile

posts: 1 United States


New to tikiwiki.

Trying to create test "organization" profile tiki website. When running the apply process it appears that the fluid plugin isn't generating the look//feel/column structure for the test site.

When the site provides the initial test profiles/sites that you can view, the sites are shown with the css/html/columns/fonts/etc..

It almost appears that the bootstrap/fluid plugin isn't being run correctly.

Any thoughts/comments on this??



posts: 8654 France
tom wrote:


New to tikiwiki.

Trying to create test "organization" profile tiki website. When running the apply process it appears that the fluid plugin isn't generating the look//feel/column structure for the test site.

When the site provides the initial test profiles/sites that you can view, the sites are shown with the css/html/columns/fonts/etc..

It almost appears that the bootstrap/fluid plugin isn't being run correctly.

Any thoughts/comments on this??



Hi Tom,

I kindly suggest to check if the issue has been reported at https://dev.tiki.org/Wishlist
If no please open a ticket at https://dev.tiki.org/Make-a-wish and eventually create an instance and paste the link to the item here. The more details you give (and make it easy for a developer to reproduce) more are the chances someone will fix the issue.

If it is critical for your project and you need this to be fix quickly you can hire a consultant that will fix and improve the functionalities for you : https://tiki.org/consultants