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Features / Usability

Buttons in several languages (translation and layout)

posts: 8654 France


I need to create a "Previous" / "Next" set of button for 2 LTR languages and 1 RTL language.
This is not the first time and it turn each time to be a headache.

  • The buttons labels are not translated
  • Buttons icon are not compatible with RTL languages. (arrows are going the wrong direction)

This is how it ends to have it displays properly in 3 languages.
Can’t we do better with tiki ?

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{LANG(lang="en")} {DIV(class="d-flex")} <div><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i> Previous</a></div> <div class="ml-auto"><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb">Next <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div> {DIV} {LANG} {LANG(lang="fr")} {DIV(class="d-flex")} <div><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i> Précédente</a></div> <div class="ml-auto"><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb">Suivante <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div> {DIV} {LANG} {LANG(lang="he")} {DIV(class="d-flex")} <div><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb"><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i> קודם</a></div> <div class="mr-auto"><a href="#" class="btn btn-herb">הבא <i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i></a></div> {DIV} {LANG}

Screen Shot 2021 07 30 At 10.26.47
Screen Shot 2021 07 30 At 10.26.13

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