Re: Home Page
I'll just finish this off for completeness
Under Admin->Groups you can setup homepages (Im not sure if these have to be wiki page names or can be urls i.e. tiki-articles etc)
It has to be a wiki page in 1.8.2, although I've read somewhere that this will be a fully qualified URL by 1.8.3, but not sure.. Hope so 😀
Under Admin->Users (cant remember if its 1.8 or 1.9 this) there is a drop down box for the default group for a user, this will be the group homepage default.
it's in 1.8.2 😉
And there you go.
The only problems with group homepages is you have to set them up per user.
Hopefully Future versions will deal with this in a sensible and automated way.. like a "Make this group the default group for it's users unless they belong to a group which includes this group" or a "overrides the groups this group includes" rule. Which are the most logical ways of inheriting group homepage inheritance automatically really.