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Features / Usability

code for directory browser???

posts: 49 Canada

I saw someone's Tiki site a few days ago (but not sure whose) that showed the directoy browser with "opened" categories. In other words the catergories were shown in mutiple columns (similar to normal view) except that the titles of the links under each category were also shown:

Copy to clipboard
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Link 1 Link x Link a Link 2 Link y Link b Link 3 Link 4 Category 4 Link e

... etc...

anyone know if this is a std Tiki setting (I can't find it)... or if it isn't, can someone pass on the code to me...

PS - woiuld seem like an obvious option for the directory browser !! 😊


Peter Lindstrom
pta at allanalog.com
my current Tiki site: www.ottawavolleyball.com

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I think thats a custom Tiki hack.
