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User Registry View

posts: 49 Canada

Not sure if this is a development issue... but thought i'd ask.

I am looking for a feature that will list the registered users. Seemed kind of like it would be one of the first features done for a Wiki concept but i can't seem to find it (I am pretty new to Tiki). I did notice a Community feature (on this site) that calls up tiki-list_users.php (which i don't have in 1.8.3) which sort of sounds like it might be what i am lokoing for; but on tikiwiki.org it just pulls up a blank page.

Is this a feature that is added in 1.9 (I don't see it in the changelog)?

Is this under development?

Can someone point me to where it might exist? (although i do dread upgrading to 1.9 since i have hacked a bunch of 1.8.3 files and can't lose my hacks).

If this isn't the feature I am looking for; can i add it as a suggestion???

I am loking for the ability to list all the members of my site with their contact info (and a small pic as well). I'd like to be able to select in the users profile whether they appear in this registry.

Assuming that this isn't the "community feature" I will likely start working on doing this myself? anyone intersted???

posts: 154 United Kingdom

The best way to do this is to create a plugin for it, although you can potentially do some of this with the SQL plugin (just means others will be able to see your database table info if they wanted to).
If you use LDAP Auth for your users then I have a plugin available that will do all that you require. Go to my user page to download an early version of the plugin, will be an updated version on tiki mods soon.

posts: 49 Canada

Thanks SDL? Don't know much abut plugins but will start doing some reading.

Don't think this is an LDAP thing.
