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Architecture / Installation

blank page on install

posts: 7 Belgium


I'm sorry, but i too have a blank page on install. 😕
I want to install tikiwiki-1.8.3 on a solaris server with apache 1.3.31, php4.3.5 and mysql 3.23.

I'm not the administrator of this server, and so i've run ./setup.sh fsc staff 02777
(login fsc, group staff). I asked the admin to change the memory limit and it's now
memory_limit = 32M
He restarted apache... And i still have the problem. When i have a problem, it's detected (as when i chmod 711 template_c).

Does anyone have an idea? Should i had better for now to install 1.7? 1.8.2? 1.9?


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Could be related to a Open Base Dir restriction in effect not allowing the session to save its data in /tmp

InstallTIkiUnderSafeMode page addresses this at the bottom. Skip to the ini_set lines at the bottom of that page.

posts: 7 Belgium

😑 i've made the 3 modifications but still have the blank page when perms are ok.

The php.ini file seems to be safe_mode off and the ini_set line was already commented.

Other idea?

posts: 7 Belgium

more accurately, the tiki-install.php page worked fine, but the "index.php" is still blank...

I had to follow the whole page to have the tiki-install.php working 😊

posts: 7 Belgium

I have a new clue, the sysadmin activated logs for php errors, and it says :
error PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class db in lib/adodb/adodb-pear.inc.php on line 91

i have tested pear with peartest.php and it says "Swoobadoo", so pear seems to work...

If i directly test tiki-index.php, it says that there is an error on line 10 :

posts: 7 Belgium

Ok, i'll answer myself 😀

I manage to have it working, by commenting the line

include_once ('adodb-pear.inc.php');

in the file : **db/tiki-db.php**

The things i had to look at to (if you have same error) are the InstallTIkiUnderSafeMode page, as Damian said, the include_path of php (php.ini or, if you don't have acces, a .htaccess with line :
php_value "include_path" ".:./lib:./lib/pear:/usr/local/lib/php"

posts: 1


i have the same problem: blank page. i follow the instruction from your postings, but i do not understand the last sentence:InstallTIkiUnderSafeMode page addresses this at the bottom. Skip to the ini_set lines at the bottom of that page.

what does it mean?
