Re: Editing Main Menu
Hi Gary,
I had a similar question about menus involving the Application menu items -
I need to add a link to the Calendar in a custom menu and nothing seems to work.
- choosing the 'feature_calendar' in 'Sections' (when adding a new menu item), but it does not doe anything.
- searching in the URL for 'Calendar' but no options appear
- so tried just adding CalendarDocOld, does not work
- adding the same (feature_calendar' to the 'URL' part, both with and without the double parenthesis so: CalendarDocOld, did not do anything (though if I remember correctly, it added the link but than the page 'was not found')
- found in the Application Menu it is also called tiki-calendar.php, so tried putting that in the URL, did not work
- read over all the Docs pages, no guidance on how to add an Application Menu item
- also tried the 'Show Quick URL's (upper right side of pop-up when 'Adding a new menu item', many links to useful Tiki Features like Home, Wiki, Articles, and File Galleries, but no quick link to the Calendar
Typically, I have always just added the full URL in the URL section but this is not the correct way to do this.
What did I miss?