PluginLIST - How does "relation" filter work?
Hello Da’ud,
Sorry I can’t give a clear answer just some comments after experimenting.
(thanks for your question, I learned something). ?
I never used the relation filter and qualifier but with relation tracker field:
Checking :
I see wiki page have a relations field so I tried to follow the output of this field and there is one.
I suggest you go to your Search admin control panel, tab tools.
There use the "Experiment with plugin LIST" with the output template.
{filter type="wiki page"} {output(template="debug")}
Check and use the correct output of the fields:
I tested quickly and I had results using:
{filter relation="page_1" objecttype="wiki page" qualifier=""} {output(template="debug")}
(result: page_2)
{filter relation="page_2" objecttype="wiki page" qualifier=""} {output(template="debug")}
(result: page_1)
Seems working with backlink and with alias is the quick way but I guess you can have your own.
I stopped here my investigation, but from here you should be able to dig and find what to filter and how for your use case.
Good luck !