Allowing people to edit wiki
Dear Fiona,
You need to help us to help you when you post . ?
- What is this Tiki version ?
- "edit my Tiki wiki" is anything but clear. (we can understand you meant "edit Wiki pages")
- Improve describing the issue; what you want, what you see, how you set it.
I have four groups - admin, registered, anonymous & editors. The registered and editor groups have Can view pages, Can edit pages and Can upload pictures checked but people assigned to them cannot do any of this. Registered & Editors inherit permissions from Anonymous.
People I assign as Admins can edit pages.
Assuming you are using at least a Tiki19+, you can use the permission module to check what permissions are applied to a page.
Also, did you:
- Clear caches ? (
- Refresh your Unified-index (
There are way to apply permissions for groups of objects based on categories.
May be you'll find information in a Tiki Express Tutorial I did about roles and permissions;
Hope this helps,