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Here is a brief idea about the ))FriendsNetwork((

General Description

The Friendship Network is a system where we may ask our fellow TW users to be part of our direct contacts. Helping to create a connected community.

Key Function and sub-features

Allows members to request communication. If the request is answered then you will be added to the persons' Friends list.

  • A new menu "Community" is created, with the correct perms this allows you to see the member list.
  • A sub menu "Friendship Network" takes you to your friend list.
  • Posts by your friends will have a friend icon
  • At the users profile there is a “This user is your friend“ note.
  • What else does it do?

Related Links

Friendster-like features, (A forum post)

Typical Uses

This could be used in a large community to help get people connected.
Used in conjunction with the trackers this could be a powerful way for people to connect.

  • Arranging events
  • Finding friends

When invited by someone you recieve a message at your MyTiki area
Example message,

From: Webkeeper
To: jamesoftopiya
You're invited to join my network of friends!
Mon 09 of Aug, 2004
Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request

Case Studies

This feature is now here at tiki.org


Of course as could be expected the IE experience gave me some problems. This error was when I tried to connect to the "Community" link in the menu. This did work in Mozilla saying permissions denied, as I had not set the new perms up yet.

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. Error processing resource 'http://xxxxx.net/tiki/tiki-list_users.php'. Line 2, Position 2
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tiki_p_list_users in <b>/home/xxxxx/public_html/tikiwikiwise/tiki-list_users.php</b> on line <b>13</b><br />


Work Around

For months I had the same problem mention above, "The XML page cannot be displayed"....

I found a workaround here: http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=5878
It said "Go to the General preferences and settings page and uncheck Use gzipped output you will correct the ..... problem." I did this and I no longer have that problem.


Support Requests


For more information

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 17:53:11 GMT-0000