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InstallTiki, nl


Kijk eerst of je systeem aan de volgende eisen voldoet:
doc:((doc:Login Config|Installatievereisten (in het engels) )).

Understand that getting Tiki to run without checking those doesn't mean that everything will always work.

You can always opt to choose a TikiFriendlyHosts. Some even offer to Install Tiki for you!

Installation procedure

Server type Environment Help Page Comments
If you only have FTP access InstallWithOnlyFtpAccess Video example
Image Sourceforge hosted SourceForgeTikiInstall
Linux + Apache InstallTikiDoc
Image RPM Package Manager (RPM) InstallTikiRPM
Gentoo Linux ebuild instructions InstallTikiGentoo
Image Debian package InstallTikiDebian .. todo ..
Mitel SME Server MitelSMEInstall http://www.e-smith.org
Apache Virtual Hosting InstallVirtualHosting
Linux (Fedora) + Apache InstallTikiIntranet
Mac OS X (Server) InstallTikiOSX
Windows + IIS IisInstall
Desktop Windows box InstallEasyPhpAndTiki XP, 2000, ME, 98
x86 Checkout Version
Knoppix + Tikiwiki (We need someone who can host this 650Mb ISO image) download, burn, reboot or purchase
PHP5 Guidelines
Gentoo + PHP5 TikiWikiPHP5 Gentoo and possibly others with modification.
Move Tiki to another server MoveTikiToAnotherServer Worked for me. Feel free to add!

We are working on other formats like Debian, SuSE, etc. Feel free to help with these.


Tiki currently runs with MySQL 4.0.* or earlier and PostgreSQL. Most of the documentation assumes you're using MySQL. Postgres users however have a page for some information.

Tikiwiki 1.9 -sirius- is moving towards support for 4.1.X with a upgrade in the ADODB layer, however 1.8.x does not support MySQL 4.1.x.

For more information on the Tiki installation process

  • InstallTikiHelp is there for you if anything does not work right...
  • MigrateToTiki exists with some useful conversion scripts

Page last modified on Sunday 13 March 2005 17:57:12 GMT-0000