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Tiki 6.0 Release Notes

Release Notes
information This document includes important information about Tiki 6.0. Please review this information when installing (or upgrading to) this release.

For Tiki support, please use the forums.

Introduction to upgraders from earlier versions

If you are migrating to Tiki6 from Tiki versions earlier than Tiki5, you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as:

as well as the page linking to the resources related with Upgrades

If this is your first installation ever of Tiki, welcome to Tiki Community! You'll find details about the installation here:

Remember that you can try Tiki6 using any of the Try Tiki installations or by means of a TikiLiveCD.


If you are planning to Upgrade from a Tiki version earlier than Tiki5.1, or you have never fixed the potential encoding issue in your database, please follow these 3 steps once:


What's New

See it in Tiki6

Important Changes

See it in Tiki6


See them in Requirements


See Installation


See Upgrade

Known Issues

Multilingual Structures

When viewing a wiki page within a structure that has translations, the page's language drop-list to switch to a different translated language has been disabled.

Image Note: This does not affect pages that are not in structures.


  • Use the Switch Language module instead.

Storing Wiki Images in ../img/wiki_up

If not using the File Gallery to store uploaded wiki images, Tiki instead will store all uploaded images in the ../img/wiki_up directory. When uploading new images, Tiki may not automatically include the {img ...} tag (even though the image was successfully uploaded.


  • Manually add the {img ...}
  • Turn off Ajax.
  • Use a File Gallery instead, to store wiki images.


The Tiki WebDAV works with http:// connections, but not https:// (secure) connections. This will be addressed in future release.

Default Password Length

In Tiki 6, the default password minimum length is 5 characters. When upgrading from a prior version of Tiki:

  • If your Admin password is shorter then 5 characters
  • If you do not have a minimum length specified

you might not be able to log in as the Admin after upgrading.



Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 15:34:10 GMT-0000