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Tiki vs Drupal

About Ohloh.net stats: "Since drupal.org moved from CVS to Git, this summary contributions project is no longer representative of contributed activity because each project has its own repository instead of one, large shared one. Ohloh added a Drupal contributions logo for maintainers to list their projects separately."


  • Both are full-featured free and open source web applications with which you can realize a very diverse variety of projects.
  • Both are written in PHP and use a database such as MySQL
  • Both can run on standard, inexpensive hosting.
  • Both use jQuery
  • Both are community-run projects with a commercial ecosystem
  • Both dogfood for the vast majority of project needs (Collaboration, Publishing, etc.)



Differences about upgradability

CMS Match


CMS Matrix

Compare them at http://cmsmatrix.org

Openhub comparison


Contributors (All Time) click "View as graph"
Commits (All Time) click "View as graph"

Drupal has a very large number of non-core developers and the stats for them do not appear here.

The charts above don't take into account the huge activity for contributed modules. As it's almost always the case with extension-based systems, there are vast numbers of contributed modules (which shows activity and diversity), but they often overlap if not outright duplicate each other or can be abandoned. See Tiki all-in-one model for more information. Also, in Drupal, contributions are suggested by a larger number of people but the commits are done by a smaller number of people. Thus, the chart above is skewed.

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Page last modified on Thursday 28 March 2024 19:32:03 GMT-0000