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Live presentation is happening here: http://tiki.bigbluebutton.org/

This event is part of TikiFest2011-Montreal-Confoo and is just before the Confoo Web Conference. It is a follow-up to the first TikiFest2010-Ottawa-BigBlueButton

))BigBlueButton(( is an open source real-time collaboration tool (Audio / Video / Screensharing / Chat / Whiteboard), which is built upon several open source components and with a focus on distance education.


  • March 8th, 2011
    • 9h00 -> 17h ))BigBlueButton(( day
    • In the evening, we'll likely head of to Brutopia to meet the Confoo.ca crowd.



On site



  • Marc Laporte
  • Fred Dixon & Denis from BigBlueButton
  • jonny B (UK)
  • Gary (chibaguy) (via BBB 😉)
  • Daniel
  • Carsten & Dirk (Germany)
  • Philippe Cloutier
  • Etienne Lachance from Evocatio
  • Michael Faille and Laurent Bounin from Gestion-Ressources
  • Hélène Dufour
  • You?


Fred & Denis (from the core BigBlueButton team) will be in Montréal for the full day so it's a great opportunity to get to know them and ask any question you may have.

  • Introduction by Fred Dixon - ))BigBlueButton(( project leader and founder of Blindside Networks
  • ))BigBlueButton(( Presentation
    • Current features
    • New features
    • Use cases
  • Discussion about ))BigBlueButton(( business models
  • Improvements and feature requests
  • General discussions

Click on this image for the full mindmap (in French):

Also, we'll attempt to focus on remote participants. Let's have a lot of people and push the limits of the system!

Dogfood BBB for Remote Participation To Community Events


Integrating BigBlueButton in other systems

Tiki (since version 5) offers a built-in integration with ))BigBlueButton((. You can try it out now at: http://live.tiki.org/

If you are interested in integrating BBB in other systems, please do show up. At this event, an important topic is to improve the interaction of BigBlueButton with Tiki and any other application (Drupal, Joomla!, etc.). Also, if your project is in PHP, you can re-use Tiki code (licensed LGPL so include-able in other apps)

Official pic


Pics of 1st TikiFest/BigBlueButton

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
(by Virtual EyeSee via Flickr)



Page last modified on Monday 20 November 2023 16:39:58 GMT-0000