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 Personal Opinion
This page contains information that may not reflect the thoughts and views of the entire Tiki Community


Putting TIKI First

For the past 10 years, the Tiki Community has always had a selfless approach towards its commitment to the development and growth of the project. During this time we have been able to achieve a great resume.

With that being said, our mindshare, marketshare and overall position in the Open Source world doesn't reflect where WE the community believe the project should be.

This is the issue that TikiFirst will try to solve. By creating a simple & unified philosophy that focuses on US . This approach towards everything WE the community initiate can create a momentum that will be unmatched in the Open Source World.


To make Tiki the most popular Open Source Web Application by the year 2020.


Generate new momentum within the Tiki Community by putting into context the entire efforts of the community into a unified philosophy and team workflow.

Keys to Success

  • Make better use of OUR time
  • Focused marketing (This is not about our Marketing Team but a general philosophy on how we market. We need to better strut our stuff. We kick ass and need to show it)
  • Harness and attract new potential energies


  • Categorize all of our community initiaties into one or many of our 3 keys to success. By doing so, we will be able to maximize
  • Empower other teams to take action
  • Watch greatness happen !!

Current Initiatives and examples

Show.Tiki.Org & New Bug Tracker

Better use of our time

  • Developers don't need to spend time to reproduce a reported bug

Focused Marketing

  • No other Open Source project that we know of actually does this. Lets BRAG !!!

Harness new energy

  • Easy way to motivated people who want to submit bugs.

Empower Teams
Dev -> Partnership

  • Developers taking care of bugs found on show should report to the Partnership team about motivated people.
  • Partnership teams now how a clear task with proven value

Tiki Call Back

Better use of our time

  • Give developers clear data on what features people are using

Focused Marketing

  • This is a great way to market to potential developers.

Harness new ernergy

  • This just might be what convinces a developer to join Tiki

Empower Teams
Analytics -> Dev

  • Compile data and clear reports to feed the developers


Better use of our time

Focused Marketing

Harness new ernergy

Empower Teams

Selenium Testing

Better use of our time

Focused Marketing

Harness new ernergy

Empower Teams

Consultants Page Revamp

Better use of our time

Focused Marketing

Harness new ernergy

Empower Teams

Documentation Feedback

Better use of our time

  • Give documentation team some data on which pages need attention

Focused Marketing

Harness new energy

Empower Teams
Analytics -> Documentation

  • Analytics team will create this feature and generate an easy to use Dashboard showing the top 10 pages, top 10 worst pages etc...
  • See project page: Tiki Doc Usage

SVN Commits

Better use of our time

Focused Marketing

Harness new ernergy

Empower Teams

Freenode Chat

Better use of our time

Focused Marketing

Harness new ernergy

Empower Teams

Page last modified on Monday 22 April 2013 14:21:25 GMT-0000