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emerge adodb

see HowtoUseExternalAdodb for further details on Tikiwiki Tweaking


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emerge smarty

see HowtoUseExternalSmarty for further details on Tikiwiki Tweaking


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emerge PEAR-PEAR emerge PEAR-Date

see HowtoUseExternalPear for further details on Tikiwiki Tweaking


Tikiwiki comes as is, bundled with some external applications and many media files - especially Smarty and Adodb too.

GentooLinux has a separate ebuild for Smarty and Adodb, so you could as a sysadmin choose to rely on your system-wide external libraries. You are free to do so:

  • HowtoUseExternalAdodb
  • HowtoUseExternalSmarty

Take a look at TikiMods from version 1.9 on, on how to get more Mods, Styles and other nice tweaks.

Also visit StylesList and ColorSchemeGenerator for some inspiration.



InstallMultipleTikis - InstallVirtualHosting, for hosting multiple virtual domains in one Tiki filebase with separate db-s

All comments and suggestions, and any kind of cooperation are very welcome!

Hey, Gentoo fellows! Add your name here, or link your UserPage!

CVS Doc section

This is where new features being developed and only in CVS are documented. When the CVS becomes RC/official release, the info in the CVS docs is transferred to update the official docs (FeatureXDoc).

For a start the ebuild is going to use CVS checkout of Tiki for installing a bare 1.8 Tiki version, and patching it for the use of external Gentoo-Smarty.


Where ideas can be exchanged, debated, etc. Interested people can subscribe to the wiki page and/or to these forums as they would a mailing list.



Yet Another Ebuild Is Soon To Come. 🙄

Page last modified on Sunday 20 June 2010 22:47:47 GMT-0000