Good ideas live on support. 😉
Extracts from a developers mailing thread:
From: Luis Argerich <luis@fu...>
Re: micro-funding of Tiki modular content - online payment systems & Tiki
2003-05-26 05:02
About founding,
I want to make very clear that Tiki doesn't requiere donations or funding to
continue, however many users have manifested an intention to donate some
money and even some companies may do so if they find Tiki useful so opening
a Tiki paypal account is a good idea.
Sadly my country regulations forbid citizens from opening a paypal account,
if some of you (Marc?) want to open a paypal account in the name of Tiki
then I'll trust you to admin the tiki account in behalf of me.
From: Marc Laporte <marc@ma...>
RE: micro-funding of Tiki modular content - online payment systems & Tiki
2003-07-03 08:07
Hi everybody!
I have added a PayPal address to manage donations for Tiki.
I will manage the Tiki account and periodically transfer all the
funds to our head developer.
It is really unclear to me how much this can generate. However,
I would be very happy if, one day, we get enough for Luis to quit
his day job and focus full time on Tiki.
- the original mailing thread
- sample sponsorship form
- Internet Currencies for Virtual Communities