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Hi, I'm James Chaldecott, aka Swythan. I'm 28 and live in the UK. I've got a degree in Physics and I've been working as a Software Engineer (VB & C++) for a scientific instrumentation company for about the last five years.

My interest in Tikiwiki started when I was asked to look into setting up a departmental server. Initially just for forums, the obvious capablities of Tikiwiki have widened the remit slightly. We are now going live and will probably launch to the department around the time that 1.7 gets released.

So... I'm quite busy with work (who isn't) but I hope to be able to contribute at least the odd bugfix. Hopefully (if our Tiki is successful) I will get given the time to contribute more. We will be especially interested in making permissions easier to use, so that we don't leak comfidential information to the "wrong" parts of the organisation (and 3rd party partners). NonStrictHierarchicalNameSpaces looks like exactly what we are looking for, here.

As an initial contribution, I've created a Word2Wiki macro to convert MS Word documents into Wiki markup. This will hopefully help us kick-start our Wiki with a lot of our legacy documentation.page

I'm also very interested in how we could make the permissions system work better. I've been looking at what would need to be done to integrate Tiki with phpGACL. I've documented my thoughts as PhpGaclDev.

Page last modified on Tuesday 30 September 2003 10:01:28 GMT-0000