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Quick Reference

Link to a Wiki page WikiPageName or ((Wiki Page Name))
Link to an external Wiki page ExternalWikiName:ExternalWikiPageName or ((External Wiki Name: External Wiki Page Name))
Link to a Web page [http://www.somesite.org] or [http://www.somesite.org| Some Site!]

Note: Tiki's linking capabilities are affected by the following administrative options:

  • Use ))WikiWords(( If this feature in the Wiki Features area (Wiki tab) is disabled, you must use doubled parentheses to create a Wiki page link.
  • Open External Links in New Window If this feature in the General Settings area (General tab) is disabled, external links open in the existing browser window.

Linking to Wiki Pages

Wikis are designed to detect Wiki page names automatically and to format them as hyperlinks, which can be clicked to display the linked page. Either of the following is a valid Wiki page name:

  • TheWikiWay Two or more words are stuck together (no spaces), and each is capitalized.
  • ((The Wiki Way)) This method is used to refer to Wiki page names that include spaces.

If you would like to add a description, type the link like this:

  • ((TheWikiWay|The Wiki Way))

This can be particularly useful when you think it is more relevant or elegant to display other words than the mere name of the page. For example you can display "My page" instead of ))UserPagesoandso, or "Click here" instead ofUglyComplicatedPagename((. Be sure to include the vertical bar character (|) between the name of the page and the words you wish to display.

When you add a description, the Wiki page will show the description text as a clickable link.


  • If you save the page but see a question mark after the page name, and you're sure the page exists, search for the page in the Search module to make sure you've typed the name correctly.

  • Sometimes the Wiki software mistakenly thinks a word with odd capitalization is a Wiki page name. It places a question mark after the word to indicate that it cannot find a page with that name. To keep the Wiki software from formatting a word as a Wiki page name, surround the word with doubled, reverse parenthesis, as in the following example: ))WordStar((.

Linking to External Wiki Pages

If your administrator has enabled this option (see InterWiki for admin setup instructions), you can link to pages in an external Wiki. You'll need to know the name of the external Wiki in order to use this feature.

To link to an external Wiki page, type the link using the following pattern

  • ((Name of external Wiki:Name of page in external Wiki))

To link to this page, you'd type the following (this example assumes that your administrator had defined an external Wiki link and named it 'Tikiwiki'):

  • ((Tikiwiki:WikiLinkingDoc))

Ask your administrator whether any external Wikis have been defined and named.

Linking to Web Pages

You can link to any page on the Web that has a valid URL. By default, Tiki creates a local cache of the page so that it will be available even if the remote Web site is down. In addition, Tiki opens external Web pages in a new browser window. (See WikiLinkingAdmin for information on changing these administrative options.)

To link to a Web page, enclose the URL within square brackets, as in the following example:

  • [http://www.virginia.edu]

The link looks like this: http://www.virginia.edu.

The Wiki page will display the link text (http://www.virginia.edu) as a clickable link.

If you would like to add a description, type the link like this:

  • [http://www.virginia.edu|University of Virginia]

The Wiki page will display the description (University of Virginia) as a clickable link.

Important: If you are linking to a PDF file, a multimedia file, or any file other than an HTML page, please include the nocache directive, as in the following examples:

  • [http://www.somesite.org/docs/chapter1.pdf |nocache]
  • [http://www.somesite.org/docs/chapter1.pdf|Chapter One|nocache]


  • If the link doesn't work, try copying the URL into your browser window, and click Enter. If the page exists, go back and check your typing. Chances are you'll find that you've made a typing error. Did you type both brackets correctly?

Linking to Email Addresses

To link to an Email Address, enclose the mailto URL within square brackets, as in the following examples:

  • [mailto:johndoe@someplace.com]

The link looks like this: mailto:johndoe@someplace.com

  • [mailto:johndoe@someplace.com | John Doe]

The link looks like this: John Doe

Try it out

please link to the sandbox feature on tikiwiki.org


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

Knowledgebase / tutorial / FAQ / How-to


Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

  • UserPagebpfaffenberger

For more information

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 17:34:54 GMT-0000