Heres the changelog for Release 1.8.1, you can grab more details from ReleaseProcess181 page and dont forget we now have a ReleaseProcess182 to keep the devs busy.
- FIX File and Image Galleries: Directory value shouldn't need "/"
- MOD Wiki Forum Discuss Broken with dropdown on Wiki Admin page
- FIX Forums : Show posts by age sorting broken
- FIX Wiki Split! (both the @@@ and the line breaks in columns)
- FIX forum attachment doesn't work
- FIX Taglines uploaded display with escapes
- FIX Shoutbox module's delete link doesn't work everywhere
- FIX WikiSyntax : Center- if colon in-line, centering breaks
- FIX search_box with Fulltext Search
- FIX Misspelled link in file /lib/calendarlib.php
- FIX Incorrectly specified wiki 'h4' heading
- FIX Blog Pagination links were out of sync
- FIX moreneat debug console has hard to see colours
- FIX Forums : individual RSS feeds not working
- FIX RSS not properly processing blogId
- FIX FANCYTABLE plugin generates wrong TD format
- FIX RSS feeds are sent with Wiki Formatting instead of HTML
- FIX RSS feed brakes in 1.8 RC3 - httprequest() in tikilib didnt return any data
- FIX Newsletters: Subscribers get same unsubscribe code
- NEW topic filtering in wikiplugin_articles
- FIX File Gals:IIS REQUEST_URI not set in file download
- FIX lastLogin was the same as currentLogin
- MOD forums' new icon to show for topics new since last login
- FIX ARTICLES plugin wasnt showing the topic images.
- FIX mod-who_is_there Fixed missing quote marker
- FIX commzone/attzone area JS flip link fixed for all themes (comments and attachments weren't staying to show in Konqueror) with more accessible solution
- FIX Contact Anonymous fixed remember to enabled the Contact Us and user Messaging features, set a contact name on Admin->General and let anonymous use the messaging system permission
- FIX Integrator that was unable to save new repository
- FIX iframe width in featured-link feature
- FIX Wiki quick help SQL plugin documentation
- MOD translation of 'by' and displaying of 'Anonymous' in last_modif_pages module
- MOD translation of 'by' in wiki_last_comments module
- FIX breaks in the BOX plug-in
- NEW dropdown navigation for backlinks and structures in wiki pages
- MOD the module last_modif_pages so it don't display minor changes
- NEW Javascript added to shoutbox forms to limit input to the 255 character table column width
- MOD diff to ignore newline characters
- FIX missing ?forumId= in tiki-forum(s)_rss.php
- FIX SPLIT and BOX plugins to render all wiki syntax properly
- FIX diff and source view to display special characters properly
- FIX external RSS feeds: first entry was not shown
- FIX more XHTML fixes (some ported from 1.7.x branch)
- NEW ARTICLES now includes Topic Filtering
- NEW new module last_category_items
- MOD Spelling Mistakes corrected also modified the language files to reflect those changes, so not to break the language translations
- NEW Added a check on Tiki Backup to remind you if your file and image galleries are set to file system storage German translation* NEW RSS 2.0 output feeds support the author tag now
- MOD RSS: better looking stylesheet
- MOD RSS: Blogs now show title instead of a timestamp
- MOD RSS: if there is an empty item title, it gets replaced with a creation timestamp of that item
- MOD RSS: forums rss shows author names now
- NEW avatars: user can choose to have no avatar if he has one currently
- NEW Added []|)({}'"_-*#;:& to special character input marclaporte
- MOD Replaced the powered by RDF button with better quality one and aligned all buttons vertically to middle
- NEW Belarus now has a tiki flag!
- NEW en-uk Language file, mainly because we british love our colour
- NEW adding a powered by Tiki logo on bottom bar
- NEW Added support for Atom output feeds, details see
- NEW Added support for external Atom feeds, just add them on the rss feeds page!
- NEW Added new module forums_last_posts, that shows the newest posts in forums. prefixes like Re: or Aw: are removed prior to output
- FIX Corrected the alignment in neat theme for wiki page icons