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Forms within pages in TikiIntegrator

posts: 29 Canada


So I'm trying to cheat my way into using Bugzilla within TikiWiki. So far so good, except when it comes to forms.

I need the form to submit as


not using ...show_bug.cgi&id=2

The action attribute is showing correctly, the problem is on submit from the browser. Which is why it gets complicated.

How do I make it do this, OR has anyone successfully done this another way?

I'm trying this out with the HEAD version from CVS.



posts: 2881 United Kingdom

HEAD version of CVS is totally unsupported. try using BRANCH-1-9.

Anyway, imho the only way to successfully use forms within Tiki is to create wiki plugins like I did on damosoft.co.uk's contact us page.


posts: 29 Canada

As far as I can tell, this problem exists in all version of tikiwiki up from 1.8. At least in version where the integrator was fixed to allow additions. It may be that I can't use integrator for external pages with forms in them, but I just want to find out.

The forms on your site are fine, but they don't need to use Integrator. Embedding Bugzilla would need the integrator functionality.


posts: 60

sorry guys...test

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Please test on your own site, not on tikiwiki.org. There are various demo test sites dotted around the community if you wanted to play, including http://demo.tikihost.net.

