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Architecture / Installation

Tiki Install Requirements! Please read!

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Recently there have been a good number of posts to the forums about installation problems.

Before posting please check that your PHP memory_limit is set correctly for TikiWiki.

Please read this article for details on changing this value: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=82

If you cant change the value and are suffering from blank pages or out of memory errors, its time to find a better Tiki Friendly host. See TikiFriendlyHosts and InstallRequirementsAdmin.



posts: 3


First, I would to thank the developer for such great wiki ๐Ÿ˜Š I've installed the latest version 1.8.4 (yesterday) & everything works fine except for image gallery section.

I've read the requirements & past posts but I can't seem to fine an answer. My server is linux based using PHP version 4.3.9 I have both GD and Imagick installed.

When I add 2 separate images one for thumbnail and one for original size, it only shows the big image. Here: http://www.youngskim.com/main/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=2

I don't know if its problem with my server because I've also installed 4imagesGallery & thumbnail works fine with this application: http://www.youngskim.com/gallery/

Any idea how to fix this problem?
& I would like to know if anyone is avaliable for hire 2 fix this for me. I'm not familiar with scripting/server languages.

Thank you very much for your time.

Best Regards,

posts: 47 France

I'm really interested by this 8M problem, as you certainly got it.

1) I would say again that a try to insert:
ini_set('memory_limit' 16000000);
in front of tiki-setup.php is no bad try
when you cannot access php.ini
for sure it only works when php is configured
can be checked thru phpinfo
but often the case
Certainly some limit also exists on server side, what I ignore ๐Ÿ˜‘

2) As said it exists some features in tikis script what doesn't help (e.g. globals)
I would really try to put some goals on it in 1.10

I'm a tiki newB so perhaps poor sense in that post ๐Ÿ˜Š
ร +
tikislimy yours,
bertrand Gugger

posts: 47 France

missing comma

Copy to clipboard
ini_set('memory_limit', 16000000);

in front of tiki-setup.php is no bad try.
ร +
still tikislimy yours,
bertrand Gugger

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

This is not actually linked to the --enable-memory-limit. Some hosting providers will prevent you from changing the value completely.

However, its worth a try, so others, please report.

Personally I prefer it in the .htaccess file so to not hack up a handful of files with the patch.


posts: 40

Well, I got the message that for BlueHost everythign should work.

But can't this 2 year old message be updated with ALL KINDS of installation info?

Probably a hughe lot of problems went through this forum?
I suppose no-one has time to integrate them into one piece of info, with geberal links and links to sperate problems like forum-threads?

Best, M.

posts: 20 United Kingdom


Does this apply to when you're installing it on windows desktop as an offline/private wiki?


posts: 4664 Japan

Yes, a certain amount of memory is needed for php script execution no matter what the context of the server is, public or private intranet. But it shouldn't be a problem. I run Tiki on my laptop, using Reactor Server, which is a Windows apache/mysql/php package. The default memory limit wss 32MB, and I never had to change it, as Tiki runs fine. If you need more, though, it's easy to edit your apache/bin/php.ini file. (You don't need to add physical (hardware) memory, just increase the figure for memory allotment in the configuration file.

-- Gary

posts: 6 Cyprus

Let's be frank,

I read all that stuff and I don't know why it's there! Even with settings in the php.ini as follows there will be issues.

max-execution_time =30
max-input = 60
mem-limit =128M

Tikiwiki 2 sucks.

posts: 5

I've used mediawiki a lot. I'm the first time user of tikiwiki. Unfortunately i couldn't completemy installation at all ๐Ÿ˜‘. I have downloaded the latest ver - 2.2, on to my internal server where the mediawiki is already running (i mean the apache and sql are all fine there). Have changed all the dirs and files with

chown -R apache:apache *
created the db as required by the tikiwiki

from my browser, i access the tiki-install.php. I get an error that templates_c dir does not exists and when i checked it on the server its not present ! I mkdir templates_c and give all the rights using chmod 777 templaces_c. After that if I access the tiki-install.php it just goes blank ! nothing happens further... Whats the problem ? please let me
know as soon as possible.

PHP 5.2.4
mysql 5.0.45
memory_limit in php.ini is 32M


posts: 5

The database I created is completely empty (checked after getting the blank page).
The previlages I have give whicle creating the db is

user: root, host:localhost privileges:ALL type:global

What to do next ?

posts: 5
I deleted the 2.2 version, downloaded the ver 2.0. Again it reported that templates_c is not preset, after i created such a directory, the setup went smoothly... I think there is some problem with 2.2 installation. Now i'll try updating 2.0 to 2.2.. lets see what happens. If it doesnt then i'll be just happy with 2.0 itself.
posts: 5
I deleted the 2.2 version, downloaded the ver 2.0. Again it reported that templates_c is not preset, after i created such a directory, the setup went smoothly... I think there is some problem with 2.2 installation. Now i'll try updating 2.0 to 2.2.. lets see what happens. If it doesn't then i'll be just happy with 2.0 itself.