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Features / Usability

Enable Shoutbox on Right Side?

posts: 34
I can't seem to get anything to show up on the right side. I was trying to set up a Shoutbox, but nothing shows up. I have an admin option for those that users that I gave admin to, but I can't see the actual Shoutbox anywhere. Is there something else that I should look at? Is there somewhere to set what shows up on the right side. On my tiki box, I only have the login, where as this site as Login, Search, Online Users, Shoutbox, etc.
posts: 224 Ireland

Did you enable the 'shoutbox' in the Features section of the Admin panel? To what groups did you assign the 'shoutbox' module? Does it show up in the list under 'Right modules'?



posts: 34

OK, got it. I didn't understand Modules. I thought that the Shoutbox would show up somewhere as soon as the Feature was enabled, and the user had security. I now have the module enabled, and it shows up.

posts: 224 Ireland

Cool! Good luck 😊

