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cylic redirect : bug ?

posts: 4

My tikiwiki is down 😑

I was playing with the css customization, while I reload one more time the HomePage, I got the following message in konqueror :
"Un problème s'est produit lors du chargement de http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/ :
Lien circulaire trouvé dans http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-error_simple.php?error=Site is closed for maintainance; please come back later."

With wget, I get this

Copy to clipboard
$wget -O - 'http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-index.php' --18:31:10-- http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-index.php => `-' Résolution de stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr... Connexion vers stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr[]:80...connecté. requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...302 Found Emplacement: tiki-error_simple.php?error=Site+is+closed+for+maintainance%3B+please+come+back+later. [suivant] --18:31:10-- http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-error_simple.php?error=Site+is+closed+for+maintainance%3B+please+come+back+later. => `-' Connexion vers stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr[]:80...connecté. requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...302 Found Emplacement: tiki-error_simple.php?error=Site+is+closed+for+maintainance%3B+please+come+back+later. [suivant] --18:31:10-- http://stallman.clermont.cemagref.fr/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-error_simple.php?error=Site+is+closed+for+maintainance%3B+please+come+back+later. [...]

I don't understand where is the problem ...

posts: 4

OK 😀
All is good

I had made a sqldump, so I have compare the state before and after the "crash".

I found the option "site_closed" in the table tiki_preferences, its value was 'y'.
I put it in 'n'.

And it's ok.

Someone can say more about this option, and the possible action that have change this flag ?

posts: 1092
this option es set in admin -> General -> Disallow access to the site (except for those with permission):