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Features / Usability

Flaky and Unreliable

posts: 4

We made the decision to switch from TWiki (twiki.org) to TikiWiki mainly because the users didn't like the appearance of TWiki.

However, as a whole, I think TWiki is superior in many regards.
I'm finding TikiWiki to be very unreliable or lacking in:
- search engine (fails to match parts of words, doesn't seem to be able to find short words, e.g. "IBM", and doesn't support regex's as part of the search pattern)
- file upload doesn't always work — often nothing happens - there's no error messages, but file isn't uploaded. What the @#$!%
- Wiki word rules are NOT very consistent, and using doesn't
always work, especially in tables

Am I the only one or are others seeing these problems as well??

posts: 34

You are correct that three letter words don't return results. Some search engines can let you set the minnimum word size that the indexer will use. I am not certain if you can do that with tiki, but it would increase the search engine load/index space.

I have not tried the file upload, but do use the image upload, and have not had a problem. I did have an issue with RSS feeds and a 'fopen' command failing with out giving an error message. I am wondering if the size of the file or a timeout error could be occuring that is not reported. Maybe you could check the php settings for file uploads.

posts: 224 Ireland

The minimum search length is 4 characters because that's the limitation MySQL is imposing on Tiki by using the standard built-in database search. I think there are plans to build a real 'Tiki' search engine - not depending on MySQL - for the 1.8 release.

I never had any problems with file and/or image uploads but I would agree that overall TWiki feels a bit more 'solid' than Tiwiki despite the somewhat clunky look. But it's a look you can get very quickly used to.



posts: 4 Australia

I too used TWiki - it is an excellent wiki, but little more than that. The thing that attracted me to TikiWiki is all of the sourrounding features.

In terms of "Flaky and Unreliable" in some respects I must agree, but the nature of open source is that unless you are contributing to the solution or at the very least the discussion of the problems you cannot really complain. To that end you have raised a few issues and at least some response has been generated.

The old http://tikiwiki.sourceforge.net/ page (it now redirects to this tikiwiki instance) boasted about the low number of bugs, but last time I checked the tracking system at sf.net there were tonnes of open items, making it quite difficult to check if the problems we might encounter have already been reported. I myself have experienced a few problems that I haven't even bothered reporting for this reason. But once again, I am not complaining because it is not me putting my time into the admin or coding og TikiWiki (my thanks to those that do).

While neither perfect nor consistent (nor really "groupware" by my definition), TikiWiki offers a great deal of useful functionality and I am pretty happy with it.

Incidentally, TWiki can be made to look nice - e.g. the java.net wiki and the Intellij community wiki.



posts: 4

oops .. my original post had a typo; it should read:

  • Wiki word rules are NOT very consistent, and using ))(( doesn't always work, especially in tables

Thanks for the feedback ... I agree that I shouldn't b*tch so much, and should try to get involved in some constructive efforts, like fixing the bugs!

Anyhow, the file upload is frustrating 'cause my php.conf setting is for 5 MB max., and the files I upload are less than that.

As a whole, I still appreciate TikiWiki !!

posts: 4


/etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf has:
LimitRequestBody 5242880

I just edited /etc/php.ini and changed:
upload_max_filesize 5M
(the memory_size is set to 8M)

Anyhow, after I restarted httpd, when I tried to upload a 2MB file, now I get:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1677706 bytes) in /var/html/www/tiki/lib/filegals/filegallib.php on line 30

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 40 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

posts: 4664 Japan

About Tiki searches, I have Tiki installed on two different servers. With one, searches are normal and no results are returned for searches with less than four characters. But on the other server, I can do a search even with no characters, which returns all records — 654 in this case. The server that does searches right is running MySQL 3.23.49. The one that allows zero-character searches is running 3.23.56. What might be causing the difference in behavior? Any ideas?

-- Gary

posts: 1

I also had this issue with the 3 letter or smaller words could not be found, but it can be overcome. If you upgrade your mysql to 4.x you can manually set the value to 3 or less. You then need to reindex the tables for full text search. I set mine for 2 letter searches as the absolute minimum and so far it is working fine. The upgrade process from 3.x to 4.x was not that straightforward, but I did get it done.