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Architecture / Installation

Newbie db/template issue

posts: 1

Hi all,

I'm a grad library student in a group project assigned to create an IR for white papers with Tiki. It's taken so long to get IT to get us up and running that I've only had my hands on Tiki for a few days, and our deadline is looming so I want to avoid creating any massive disasters by oversight that I can! BTW, Tiki is _very_ neat.

My biggest issue is that I need to add terms for the authors to enter when they submit papers. I can add the terms in the article dbs and edit the edit and submit templates for entry, but what else do I need to do? I also need to create a database for a Dublin Core crosswalk for the OAI harvesters to read and will need to plug that in somewhere. Would any of the plug-ins help with this?

I've seen in the forums that there are some issues with edit templates and the RSS feed plugin. Should this concern me?

Thanks very much,


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> I've seen in the forums that there are some issues with edit templates and the RSS feed plugin

Only if you want to use them, if you dont, then there is no worries 😊

RSS can stop the site from loading when the RSS source is too slow and doesnt respond.

For the terms, I guess maybe the copyright feature, but it would need coding to extend from the wiki into articles.
