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Architecture / Installation

problem with safe mode

posts: 12


Like many others, I have problems installing Tiki with Safe Mode on. The installation takes place on a webserver, and I can't access it with SSH or telnet.

As written in the manual, I installed locally PEAR, and peartest.php gave "Swoobadoo", so this part is correct.

I also changed my settings in the tiki-db.php file.

But I still get this error:


Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/html/vm008) in /home/var/www/html/vm008/tiki-install.php on line 120

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'tikisetup' in /home/var/www/html/vm008/tiki-install.php on line 128

I searched the problem for hours, but I don't see it. I'm quite a newbie in using PHP and MySQL, so ...

Thank you !!

posts: 12

I now succeeded in executing the sql creation script... so all the inscructions given in InstallTikiInSafeMode are done.

... But the problem stays the same: I can't execute tiki-install.php, I get the same error message...

Do you see what it is?

Thank you !!

posts: 12
Problem now solved !!!!!

posts: 224 Ireland

Can you tell us how you fixed your problems? It may help other people in the future. Thanks!



posts: 12

The problem was that I couldn't access the /tmp directory of the (distant) webserver for security reasons... so I changed in the php code all the references to the /tmp directory, and changed it to one of my local directory.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom
Is it still complaining about the /tmp? I think you have to change this in the tiki-setup.php to point to your local tmp/