Update 1.8.5 -> 1.9.0 problem
Hi, I was trying to upgrade 1.8.5. to 1.9.0, but I have only ftp access to the site. For the upgrade, I didn't find info for ftp-only users. Anyway, I went ahead, copied the files, tried to upgrade the database by logging into phpMyAdmin and put the file tiki_1.8to1.9.sql into the query field.
I got errors, that first changed once or twice and than remained the same:
- 1060 - Duplicate column name 'name'
Now, my site doesn´t work. Anyone an idea how I can troubleshoot or where to start? The site is (was...) receiving quite a few visitros daily so I feel a bit ashamed.
Of course I can put everything back as it was, but that´s not really what I want to do. I had somebody abusing some php script on my site for a phishing attack so I needed to upgrade all php scripts.
Thanks, Lex