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Architecture / Installation

Update 1.8.5 -> 1.9.0 problem

posts: 41 Spain

Hi, I was trying to upgrade 1.8.5. to 1.9.0, but I have only ftp access to the site. For the upgrade, I didn't find info for ftp-only users. Anyway, I went ahead, copied the files, tried to upgrade the database by logging into phpMyAdmin and put the file tiki_1.8to1.9.sql into the query field.

I got errors, that first changed once or twice and than remained the same:

  1. 1060 - Duplicate column name 'name'

Now, my site doesn´t work. Anyone an idea how I can troubleshoot or where to start? The site is (was...) receiving quite a few visitros daily so I feel a bit ashamed.

Of course I can put everything back as it was, but that´s not really what I want to do. I had somebody abusing some php script on my site for a phishing attack so I needed to upgrade all php scripts.

Thanks, Lex

posts: 41 Spain

> Hi, I was trying to upgrade 1.8.5. to 1.9.0, but I have only ftp access to the site. For the upgrade, I didn't find info for ftp-only users. Anyway, I went ahead, copied the files, tried to upgrade the database by logging into phpMyAdmin and put the file tiki_1.8to1.9.sql into the query field.
> I got errors, that first changed once or twice and than remained the same:
> #1060 - Duplicate column name 'name'

I forgot to say, on the upgrade 1.8 to 1.9 page, I read this:

Upgrade scripts are located in the "db" subdirectory and are run with this mysql command: mysql -f -u dbuser -p tikidb < tiki_1.8to1.9.sql
where "dbuser" is the name of a mysql user with sufficient privs in the tiki db to modify that table structures and data rows (probably root), and "tikidb" is the name of your tiki database. The -p is only needed if you have a password on the database (which is highly recommended). The -f is required to force all the updates to occur. You can safely ignore any errors, but if the script aborts (as it would without the -f), then your database will be missing part of the update.

Now, i don't know how to do this. I've copied the text from the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql file into the query window and sent it off to phpMyAdmin. But I don´t see a possibility to do something with the -f. So the problem might be something as simple (I hope) as this -f.

Anyone an idea what to do? Or should i send an email to my hosting company and ask them to do something. They normally help quite a bit when asked...


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Lex

after the FTP upload, just goto the tiki-install.php. login with the admin password and then choose the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql upgrade from the bottom section of the page.

I do trust you have taken full backups before you started ?


posts: 41 Spain

> Hi Lex
> after the FTP upload, just goto the tiki-install.php. login with the admin password and then choose the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql upgrade from the bottom section of the page.

Jesus, I´m afraid this means I´m stupid right? Ah well, I guess it´s better to know these things about one self.

> I do trust you have taken full backups before you started ?

And p.s., works like a charm now (as far as I can tell).


posts: 2881 United Kingdom



posts: 30 United States

Quote from Damian:

''after the FTP upload, just goto the tiki-install.php. login with the admin password and then choose the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql upgrade from the bottom section of the page. Damian''

I Thought Tikiwiki was very difficult to Install....

Thank You Damian for posting the above reply to Lex. I have been reading through the download and installation instructions on Tikiwiki.org for months, trying to figure out to install Tikiwiki 1.90. I tried to follow the instructions, but just wasn't understanding what to do. I had even used Filezilla to upload the Tiki 1.90 files to my website, but couldn't find any instructions (that I could understand) about what to do next. After reading the various instructions on Tikiwiki.org, I was just plain confused. In my mind I had imagined it was very difficult, setting up various scripts, etc. to install Tiki 1.90 So I had just put it on hold for a while.

But found it's actually very easy to install...

... after reading your message to Lex, I had an idea. Since the folders and files were already in place on my website, I used my browser to go to my website, and just entered, into the address line, the URL directory I have Tiki 1.90 in and then added "tiki-install.php" hit return and it brought up the Tikiwiki Installer. Of course I still had to set up a MySql database, which I've done before, and after that it went quick and easy.

Thank you again Damian,

That above post to Lex was the final piece of what I needed to finish installing Tiki 1.90! Thanks for much for your helpfulness (even though the message wasn't directed at me!)

Best Wishes,

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Glad it was able to help you, and possibily others


posts: 34

>I was trying to upgrade 1.8.5. to 1.9.0, but I have only ftp access to the site.

i'm in the same situation.. my result was that after doing the update i got a whole lot of 'Print operations failed' and now my wiki is a white blank... ideas please?

Print operations failed - random snippits

Command: # $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql,v 2005/08/04 22:16:06 franck Exp $

  1. The following script will update a tiki database from verion 1.8 to 1.9
  2. To execute this file do the following:
  3. snip
  4. added on 2005-02-01 by kyori (new features for Galaxia Workflow)

ALTER TABLE galaxia_instances ADD name varchar(200) default 'No Name' NOT NULL AFTER started
Message: Duplicate column name 'name'

Command: ALTER TABLE galaxia_activities ADD expirationTime int(6) unsigned default 0
Message: Duplicate column name 'expirationTime'


Command: # added on 2004-01-16 by damosoft: new marking a blog entry as private
ALTER TABLE `tiki_blog_posts` ADD `priv` VARCHAR( 1 )
Message: Duplicate column name 'priv'

Command: # added on 2004-01-22 by mose, changing trackers options
CREATE TABLE tiki_tracker_options (
trackerId int(12) NOT NULL default '0',
name varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
value text default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (trackerId,name(30))
Message: Table 'tiki_tracker_options' already exists


Command: # Added on 29 Jan 2004 by Swillie, to hold choice for displaying user avatar on post heading
ALTER TABLE `tiki_blogs` ADD `show_avatar` char(1) default NULL
Message: Duplicate column name 'show_avatar'


posts: 34
i note: that this was an update to the latest CVS (today) - i assumed as 1.9 is so new its is stable with a few bug fixes..
posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> i note: that this was an update to the latest CVS (today) - i assumed as 1.9 is so new its is stable with a few bug fixes..

Blank pages are discussed on this link: art82

1.9 cvs is development code, you will also need to upgrade the database by running the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql file even if you were on 1.9 before.


posts: 34

> > i note: that this was an update to the latest CVS (today) - i assumed as 1.9 is so new its is stable with a few bug fixes..
> Blank pages are discussed on this link: art82
> 1.9 cvs is development code, you will also need to upgrade the database by running the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql file even if you were on 1.9 before.

Used : /tiki-install.php to run tiki_1.8to1.9.sql.....

As for art82 - i never had this problem with 1.8 - does 1.9 require more memory? i'll get on to my isp - that claims to be wiki friendly - hostnexus -

not sure what to do next...


posts: 34

the isp gave me this error:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of runtime function name(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /home/httpd/vhosts/rafal.dns-shield.com/httpdocs/tikiwiki/lib/userslib.php on line 549

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/httpd/vhosts/rafal.dns-shield.com/httpdocs/tikiwiki/lib/userslib.php:549) in /home/httpd/vhosts/rafal.dns-shield.com/httpdocs/tikiwiki/tiki-setup_base.php on line 196


posts: 41 Spain

> Blank pages are discussed on this link: art82

Hi Damian, I read art82, but it doesn't help me with a problem I've got since upgrading to 1.9.0:
Sometimes (quite often really), when some one tries to "save" a wiki page, all we get to see (rather immediately) is a blank page. Nothing on it, with the browser saying "done".

Now, at the server, max_execution_time is set to 30, memory_limit to 50M and Zend Engine v1.3.0.

So that can't be the problem can it? Anyway, it doesn't do it always, and the remedy is to hit the back button on the browser and try again. Sometimes we have to do that 10 times before it stores it fine. I don't have it with a preview for example, always works fine.

What can I try to change this, as users will soon get pissed off with this and stop adding to the wiki 😑

Thanks for all your possible solutions and help!

I'll upload phpinfo as a pdf, maybe the info helps.

posts: 41 Spain
Does really no one have an idea? This "blank page" thing (although memory on the server is just fine) is ruining the usability of the site. Members are getting frustrated. I'd appreciate very much any kind of help or ideas. Well, almost any kind...