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Architecture / Installation

Sourceforge hosting and write permissions

posts: 4

I have run a site using tikiwiki 1.8.3 for one year hosted by Sourceforge.
some days ago sourceforge has changed its policies about write permission (see https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?group_id=1&docid=4297#permissions for more details) and my site stopped to work complaining that it needs writing permissions on some dirs.
i have tried to manually chmod the indicated dirs to 777 but it did not helped.

I think that with current sourceforge policies the guide on the installation of tiki on sourceforge ( http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=SourceForgeTikiInstall ) is no more valid.

How can i restore my web site?

Are other tikiwiki installations on sourceforge still working?

thanks in advance for your help

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Rather than globally 777 use 770 and 750 accordingly and have the files group flags changed to the apache user.

A lot more secure for anyone using Linux hosting. Never use 777 unless you want to be open for attack


posts: 1

P. where you able to solve your problem? cant you just redirect the "sessions" directory to /tmp/persistent ?

i am trying to install Tikiwiki to SourceForge and cant run the install script... i keep getting permission error. let us know if you find any solutions. good luck.