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Newbie help...

posts: 16


I'm getting involved in a wiki set setup for Swiss Army Knifes. Not an administrator of the site, but I will
probably be doing at a lot of content writing, at least initially.

I've used wikipedia quite a bit and I'm pretty familar with the syntax used on that site. What's really nice
is that I can always 'edit' content on there to see the 'syntax' behind the scenes so I can learn new tricks.
I'm not really familiar with TikiWiki syntax though, I'm not sure where I can go to 'learn' it. Can anyone
offer suggestions on places to see it in use and beable to look at the code behind it to teach myself what I
need to know?



posts: 3665 United States

The docs are a good starting point for learning Tiki's wiki syntax.



> Howdy,
> I'm getting involved in a wiki set setup for Swiss Army Knifes. Not an administrator of the site, but I will
> probably be doing at a lot of content writing, at least initially.
> I've used wikipedia quite a bit and I'm pretty familar with the syntax used on that site. What's really nice
> is that I can always 'edit' content on there to see the 'syntax' behind the scenes so I can learn new tricks.
> I'm not really familiar with TikiWiki syntax though, I'm not sure where I can go to 'learn' it. Can anyone
> offer suggestions on places to see it in use and beable to look at the code behind it to teach myself what I
> need to know?
> Thanks,
> RR

posts: 16

> The docs are a good starting point for learning Tiki's wiki syntax.
> HTH,

Thanks. I've been looking through them and they do help. I'm getting the
Syntax down a little bit. But I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing too. I'd
love it there was a site where I could, at the very least, see what people
are doing so I know what possibilities are out there for creating pages.

Obviously if I can see the syntax used behind the scenes even better, but
just knowing that something is possible helps as well.

Thanks again,


posts: 3665 United States

You're welcome to snoop around my Tikis, including the sandbox. Here is a wiki syntax cheat sheet I created for my end-users. There are also a number of TikiMovies that you may find helpful.


> > The docs are a good starting point for learning Tiki's wiki syntax.
> >
> > HTH,
> Thanks. I've been looking through them and they do help. I'm getting the
> Syntax down a little bit. But I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing too. I'd
> love it there was a site where I could, at the very least, see what people
> are doing so I know what possibilities are out there for creating pages.
> Obviously if I can see the syntax used behind the scenes even better, but
> just knowing that something is possible helps as well.
> Thanks again,
> Chris

posts: 16

> You're welcome to snoop around my Tikis, including the sandbox. Here is a wiki syntax cheat sheet I created for my end-users. There are also a number of TikiMovies that you may find helpful.

Thank you Rick. I'll check out the links.

posts: 16

One other quick question too... in the wikipedia you can setup a 'redirect' page so, for instance, if I
create a page on Bears, I might want to create a redirect so that if some searches for 'Brown Bears' that
it redirects that searcher to the Bears page.

Can with be done in TikiWiki? What's the command?

posts: 3665 United States

Yes, use the Redirect plugin. See the docs for details.


> One other quick question too... in the wikipedia you can setup a 'redirect' page so, for instance, if I
> create a page on Bears, I might want to create a redirect so that if some searches for 'Brown Bears' that
> it redirects that searcher to the Bears page.
> Can with be done in TikiWiki? What's the command?

posts: 16

There are two things I'd like to be able to do that I can't find out how to do:

First, I'd like make different sized text. For instance, I have page which is like a description of an item. At the top I have a brief description, then a TOC, then then sub points underneath each header below the TOC. But I'd like the opening paragraph to be a little bit bigger so it stands out more. Is there a way to make a font a little bigger without making it a header?

Second, I'd love to be able to put pictures on the right hand side and have text flow around it. If I just right justify a pic, it shows up on the right, but the left hand space is all blank. Text won't flow in there at all. I've used tables to get around this a little bit, but there are places where having a table wouldn't be practical to the flow of the page. Is there a way to do this in Tikiwiki?

posts: 3665 United States

> There are two things I'd like to be able to do that I can't find out how to do:
> First, I'd like make different sized text. For instance, I have page which is like a description of an item. At the top I have a brief description, then a TOC, then then sub points underneath each header below the TOC. But I'd like the opening paragraph to be a little bit bigger so it stands out more. Is there a way to make a font a little bigger without making it a header?

Yes, you can use the {TAG} plugin to create the HTML <BIG>.

For example, this;

Copy to clipboard
This text is {TAG(tag=big)}bigger{TAG} than normal.

Will produce this:

This text is bigger than normal.

> Second, I'd love to be able to put pictures on the right hand side and have text flow around it. If I just right justify a pic, it shows up on the right, but the left hand space is all blank. Text won't flow in there at all. I've used tables to get around this a little bit, but there are places where having a table wouldn't be practical to the flow of the page. Is there a way to do this in Tikiwiki?

Yes, use the {DIV} plugin.

For example, this:

Copy to clipboard
{DIV(float=right)}{img src=tiki-show_user_avatar.php?user=ricks99}{DIV}Put your text here.

Will produce (image floating to the right of the paragraph):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis elementum. Nunc ante purus, porttitor eu, scelerisque et, interdum quis, pede. Fusce nec justo. Etiam viverra imperdiet metus. Quisque porta magna eu nulla. Etiam molestie gravida pede. Integer lobortis orci sit amet elit. Donec lectus. Vivamus massa est, sollicitudin ac, vestibulum ut, scelerisque nec, nisl. Vestibulum ipsum. Nulla semper feugiat nunc. Maecenas vel justo. In malesuada pharetra nisl. Etiam consectetuer vehicula diam. Maecenas condimentum volutpat elit. Aliquam erat volutpat.



posts: 16

Thanks very much Rick. You've been very helpful!