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Features / Usability

Repositiong Quicktags

posts: 101

Hi again folks. I'd like to move the position of my quicktags so that they appear across the top of the main editing box, rather than on its left. How is that done? Is there a config file for it?? A Tiki setting? Or do I need to manually edit a php/template file?


posts: 4664 Japan
The templates/tiki-editpage.tpl file would need to be modified. There's a table that lays out the page parts here, and basically you'd need to move the
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{if !$wysiwyg} {include file=tiki-edit_help_tool.tpl area_name='editwiki'} {/if}
from its present position to where you want it. And maybe also the textarea size gadgets ({include file="textareasize.tpl" area_name='editwiki' formId='editpageform'}) and maybe other changes would have to be made to the table parts to get the layout you want.

-- Gary

posts: 257 United States

I'm not one of the programmers but I think I read somewhere that FCK Editor will show up all over the 1.10 version of Tiki. This is a nice, widely used text editor. In all the installations I've seen everything appears up top.

Now Quicktags looks like it has a few, more advanced features, so I wonder if it will still be around even after FCK Editor is implemented. For everyday text editing though, I think you'll find FCK editor very nice to work with.

posts: 4664 Japan

> Now Quicktags looks like it has a few, more advanced features, so I wonder if it will still be around even after FCK Editor is implemented. For everyday text editing though, I think you'll find FCK editor very nice to work with.

I'm sure Quicktags will still be around, since, although maybe it's masochistic, some people like to do wiki page formatting by hand but probably like the Quicktags assistance 😉. Also, the last I heard, FCKeditor outputs HTML syntax, not wiki, so I'm not sure what this means for sites where HTML is turned off by default. And one other thing is that FCKeditor didn't work with Opera the last time I checked (this'll be a factor for some people). Anyway, it'll be great to have the choice so people can be happy no matter what their editing preferences.

-- Gary

posts: 101

Hi again. I haven't had time to work on this issue since I posted until today. Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out exactly what I need to do to get my quicktags formatted properly. Basically, I want them to appear above the text-editing box in a row that goes across the screen. At the moment, they appear above the editing area, but are in a block short block about 150 pixels across, rather than a row that goes across the screen.

I'm trying to find out where (what file) I can change the settings for this in but I'm not having any luck. From the previous posts, I've been looking at textareasize.tpl and tiki-edit_help_tool.tpl, but I'm not seeing any obvious tag or definition for the width of the quicktags area.

Does anyone know where I can locate this code/settings/configuration data?

posts: 101

I just wanted to follow up with this to say I finally figured out how to get my quicktags to appear in a longer row. In tiki-edit_help_tool.tpl, there's a line as follows:

{cycle name='cycle'|cat:$qtnum values=$qtcycle|default:",,," advance=false print=false}

Which produces four quicktags in a row, then moves to the next row to print another four. If you simply add additional commas to the three already present, you can increase the number of quicktags on a row. For example,

{cycle name='cycle'|cat:$qtnum values=$qtcycle|default:",,,,,,,,,,,," advance=false print=false}

Prints out 10 quicktags per row.

posts: 3665 United States

> I just wanted to follow up with this to say I finally figured out how to get my quicktags to appear in a longer row. In tiki-edit_help_tool.tpl, there's a line as follows:
> {cycle name='cycle'|cat:$qtnum values=$qtcycle|default:",,," advance=false print=false}
> Which produces four quicktags in a row, then moves to the next row to print another four. If you simply add additional commas to the three already present, you can increase the number of quicktags on a row. For example,
> {cycle name='cycle'|cat:$qtnum values=$qtcycle|default:",,,,,,,,,,,," advance=false print=false}
> Prints out 10 quicktags per row.

Rather than hardcode the length, why not have it automatically wrap to the screen size? That's what I did, see here.

Get rid of the entire {cycle} loop and simply use a single {section} loop.

